African Sacrifice Organizations 2024
For your Sacrifice Donations, you can donate to our bank account numbers via REFER/EFT/FAST, by visiting our Headquarters (within the scope of the measures, if you wish, we can receive your donation by visiting you.) or by making an online donation via our website. You can also get detailed information on 0546 489 5959 and make your donations securely.
How is the sacrifice process carried out?
We not only support the local people who are engaged in animal husbandry in the region financially by choosing from among the animals raised by the local people in Africa months in advance, but also help you to perform the sacrifice prayer without affecting your budget by providing sacrifices at affordable prices in the sacrifice organizations that we started preparations for, without being affected by the exchange rate difference. we are working.
After the qurbans are procured, we collect qurban shares from our donors who want to perform qurban slaughter in Africa.
We confirm whether they have appointed us as a proxy for the cutting, cutting and distribution of the sacrifices to be slaughtered from our valuable donors who donate the sacrifice shares.
Preparations are made as soon as possible and the slaughtering process is completed according to Islamic methods.
Videos and photos of the slaughtered animals are sent to mobile phones after the information message.
The slaughtered meat of the sacrificial animals is distributed in order to support the Compassion Soup Kitchen Project, which is within the body of the poor villagers, orphanage and the İyilik Denizi Derneği, which has been listed by our authorities before, and in which hundreds of students are served food.
To whom are the slaughtered meats delivered?
Abroad Sacrifice Activities
İngilizce Cevap
Bir olayın gerçekleşmesi ya da istenilen sonucu elde etmek için edilen duada kişi bir adakta bulunmazsa kurban kesmesine gerek yoktur. Eğer bir kurban adanmışsa kesilmek zorundadır. Adanan şükür kurbanı İslam’a uygun şartlarda kesilmeli ve ihtiyaç sahiplerine pay edilerek dağıtılmalıdır.